Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Conclusion

As a conclusion, our finding had lead us to understand more about how transmission do their operation precisely yet can explain better to our audience perhaps.
Based on the technology used in transmission system either manual or automatic transmission for 3 car brands which are Toyota, Volkswagen and Dodge we know they have different technology but same function and objective.
Even though each car brand vary in technology that they utilised, there are so many benefit in term of economic value, long lasting, high performance, fuel efficiency as well as low polluting percentage.

In this opportunity, as a group leader for “Transmission” crew would like to say congratulation for struggling within 8 weeks in order to complete our assignment.
Not to be forgotten, our lecturer Sir Nizam for always inspire us and teach us to understand those automotive elements as well as management skill through this good assignment.

Thank you.

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